пятница, 29 января 2010 г.

Various Artists - By Special Request (196X-7X)

A great LP jampacked with cool rock steady and early reggae, some in that marvellous, hectic "skinhead reggae" pace! Not a dull song here.

Heartbeat continues in their mission of unravelling songs that have fallen into oblivion. Here I was happy to discover that e.g. Jacob Miller's Peace Treaty Special from 1978 was in fact based upon an earlier song: The Victor's You Can't Stop Me. Also it is so nice to finally get great songs like True True True by Ken Parker, not on some ill-sounding Trojan release using all but spoiled vinyl but taken straight from the master tapes. Don't except hi-fi quality on all tracks though, some are rather dull - it is old material - but a few of them are clear and detailed. The bass sometimes goes real low - the kind of sound you can only get from vinyl!

All tracks here appear in their pristine form without those stupid drum overdubs which started appearing circa 1974. (It appears it was Duke Reid who started this and was later imitated by Coxsone Dodd, so there is a wealth of spoiled 60s/early 70s material now circulating.)

Unfortunately this brand new mono LP is marred by a constant surface crackle, which, however, I can live with. It is not even audible on lower listening levels like when using this beautiful album of vintage reggae for relaxed listening in the evening! Before down-loading, pick a part of e.g. the groovy organ instrumental (track 6) and decide whether you can tolerate the vinyl defect. It does not shine through more than this.

Various Artists - By Special Request (18 Top Rock Steady & Reggae Classics) (196X-7X)

Bitrate: 160 kbps
1. The Techniques - There Comes A Time
2. John Holt - I See Your Face
3. The Sensations - Baby Love
4. Dennis Alcapone - Dj's Choice
5. The Jamaicans - Woman Go Home
6. Winston Wright - Cool Down
7. Ken Parker - True True
8. United Brothers - What More Can I Say
9. The Melodians - What More Can I Say
10. U Roy & The Jamaicans - Peace & Love
11. Justin Hinds - Time Pass By
12. The Ethiopians - Conditions Bad A Yard
13. Tommy McCook & The Supersonics - Real Cool
14. The Termites - Love Up Your Kiss
15. Phyllis Dillon - Take My Heart
16. Relations - My Cousin
17. Victors - You Can't Stop Me
18. The Dynamic Man - Boss Boss

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четверг, 28 января 2010 г.

Various Artists - Moonlight Groover (1969)

Various Artists - Moonlight Groover (1969)

Bitrate: 128 kbps
1. Winston Wright - Moonlight Groover
2. John Holt - Tonight
3. Joya Landis - Kansas City
4. Tommy McCook - Get Me To The Church
5. John & Joya - I'll Be Lonely
6. Tommy McCook - Second Fiddle
7. Tommy McCook - Soul For Sale
8. Alton Ellis - Breaking Up
9. Tommy McCook - Mary Poppins
10. Tommy McCook - Billy Joe
11. Joya Landis - Moonlight Lover
12. Tommy McCook - Black Coffee

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среда, 27 января 2010 г.

The Lappers - Are You Ready? (2010) [EP]

From Kingston dancehall through London streets to the Russian soul... Рецепт угарного настроения от The Lappers оживает в вибрациях ska, rocksteady и early reggae, приправленных необузданным весельем английского паба. Впервые зазвучав на жарких танцплощадках Кингстона и Монтего Бэй почти полвека назад, наша музыка пересекла атлантический океан и через бристольские доки просочилась на улицы Лондона. Там ритм слабой доли стал пульсом новой субкультуры, основанной на дружбе, чести, верности традициям и любви к танцам до упада – именно с этими ценностями связана музыка Skinhead reggae. Сегодня эта музыка, прорвав барьеры времени и расстояний, пришла в Россию. Она обрела новое звучание в наших сердцах: обжигающее, как ямайский ром, душевное, как пинта английского эля.

The Lappers - Are You Ready? (2010) [EP]

Bitrate: 320 kbps
1. 54-26 (Toots and The Maytals cover)
2. Are You Ready?
3. Kingston Party

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